

Ahillen Acres
Contact: Stephen Davis and Rebekah Ahillen
Address: 1103 Hwy 319 W Austin, AR, 72007
Phone: 501-941-4733
About Us
We are a small Husband and Wife farm in the Austin Area. We have a fully grown son out living his life, 2 precious daughters who help Mom and Dad all over the farm. We started out with 6 chickens and a personal garden, then chicken math happened. We now have 150+ chickens, 3 Breeding pigs, currently 12 meat pigs and 2 horses and an acre garden plot with 3 tunnels. We are expanding constantly to bring you farm fresh goods year round. I never thought I would be a farmer, but here we are and I have found that I have a passion for growing thing and giving these animals the best life possible. To top it all off I've learned that I have a knack for Canning as well. We would love to have You all as a customer and join Us on this amazing Journey. New this year is cornish cross pastured poultry!!!! Quail eggs coming in the future.
We try to be as natural as possible. We are not Certified Organic but We do try to be organic as we possibly can be. We use Bone Meal, Blood Meal, Fish Fertilizer, and home made compost for growing. We use BT to keep the worms away, natural insecticidal soaps and oils to keep the bugs away, Pyrethrum to keep the bug infestations away if they happen and only at night as to not harm the pollinators as best we can. We pasture graze our poultry, woods grazed pigs, Free range chickens for eggs.